
时间: 04-24 作者:孟艺敏 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿

all in all, in most cases, silence can drive you to a favourable position where you can either go forward and do perfect defense. on top of the position, only silver speech can make you win something.


when we talk of the famous proverb "silence is gold", we should not simply label it as right or wrong, but explore it in depth.

this proverb is especially true under several situations. first, if we have made a promise not to let out a secret, we should always keep silent. second, we should avoid talking over facts or statistics of which we are not sure. third, whenever we are expressing our ideas, brevity is the soul of wit and talking too much will always lead to faults and mistakes.

nevertheless, there are also some exceptions. if we find out a flaw in other's speaking or writing, we should not hesitate a moment to point it out. and to friends or acquaintances seeking advice, we should feel free to help them.

in a word, we can draw the conclusion that in most cases "silence is gold", but in certain circumstances, talking is the right choice.


he was still a high school student 2 years ago. one day, his best friend, mandy, told him a big secret, she was pregnant for 2 months. she didn't know how to face to that matter and was like a cat on the hot bricks. he knew that mandy told him this matter simply because needed to express her feeling and her boy friend didn't know this matter at all, so he was the first person who knew this matter. however, he decided to tell her boy friend later since he thought that her boy friend should be responsible for that. one week later, mandy had a child abortion.

he didn't know whether he did the right thing or not? a life had been taken by a decision he made. he is regret now. if only he didn't tell mandy's boy friend about that matter......if only he kept silent at that time......silence is golden.
