
时间: 02-04 栏目:学习方法


1. 大多数人害怕变化,但如果你把它看成是某种你总是可以依赖的东西的话,那它就能成为一种安慰。事实上你能依赖的东西并不是很多。(Most people are afraid of change, but if you look at it like it's something that can always count on, then it can be a comfort.It doesn't have many things that you can count on.)

2. 爱情是有魔力的,但如果放弃责任,这份魔力就会消失。(Love is magic, but without responsibility,its magic will gone.)

3. 旧梦是好梦,没有实现,但是我很高兴我有过这些梦。(The old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out, but I'm glad I had them.)

4.我们每个人都活在各自的过去中,我们花一分钟去认识一个人,一个小时去喜欢一个人,一天去爱上一个人,但是呢,却要花一辈子来忘记一个人。(We all live in the past, we take a minute to know someone, an hour to like someone , a day to love someone , but a whole life to forget someone.)

5.爱情并不遵从我们的想象。爱情的神秘之处就在于它的纯洁与纯粹。(Love won’t obey our expectation. Its mystery is pure and absolute.)

6. 我今天才知道,我之所以漂泊就是为了向你靠近。(Seems right now, that all I have done in my life was making my way here to you.)

7. 我希望永远保留着这份爱,我希望余生都能这样爱你。(Now I want to keep it forever, I want to love you the way I do now for the rest of my life.)

8. 真正的爱情是属于成年人的。(The true love belongs to the adults.)


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