internet slang作文带翻译

时间: 07-16 作者:黄斯龙 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿

Nowadaysmore and more youngsters spend there spare time on internet. They playing net games chatting with there friends and strangers. And a new language to come into being--internet slang. It is quite different from common language. It including many aspects of our life.For example they say goodbye by using 886 which sounds like goodbye in Chinese. And many sayings by common language are being cut in internet. For example 555 stands for cryingbut not really mean it.

Internet slang come into being at fiber time and youngsters prefer it to common language.Because more and more student using internet slang in there life and study. They worry about there kids can not communicate with others very well by using net language.

We should advice that internet is a virtual zone but what we need to know is that virtual is never the same with reality. We live in the society people who lives there speak common language so speak common is reality and try to keep the net language out of real life.




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