
时间:05-24 栏目:英语语法



1. I went to have my hair _cut_(cut) yesterday. 我昨天去理发店把我的头发给剪了。

2. My finger is tender because I _cut_(cut) it yesterday. 我的手指头一碰就疼,因为我昨天割破了。

3. The tree dated back to 1906, and it was _cut_(cut) down yesterday by its owner. 这棵树可回溯到1906年,它昨天被他的主人砍掉了。

4. The water was _cut_(cut) for 2 hours yesterday while the road was being repaired. 昨天因修路断水两小时。



1. Flowers soon faded when they have been _cut_(cut). 花一旦被剪下,很快就会枯萎。

2. Since Mr Yang ignored the order, the school's water and electricity have been _cut_(cut) off. 因为没有按照要求关闭,学校已经被断水断电。

3. Communications have been _cut_(cut). 通讯也被切断。

4. This valley is said to have been _cut_(cut) out by swift rivers hundreds of years ago. 据说这条山谷是几百年前被急流冲刷而成的。

5. Potato rations have been _cut_(cut) by a third, to two a person each day. 土豆的供应量减小了三分之一,每人每天只能领到两个土豆。
