whynot什么意思(浅谈Why not只表示建议吗)

时间: 08-17 栏目:学习方法
不带 to 的动词不定式,主要有几种呢?


1.感官动词:see,watch,look at,notice,hear,listen to,smell,feel等等

如,1,I heard her play the piano.

2.I watched the boy cross the road.

注意:在被动语态中则 to 不能省略。如,

I saw him dance.

=He was seen to dance.

2.使役动词 let,have(使,让),make

如:I'll let him do it.

I must have him see his own mistakes.

注意:He was made to laugh. 在被动语态中则 to 不能省略。

3.why not(用于提议建议)

如:Why not ask your teacher for help?

Why not go there with them?

why 用于引出疑问句,表示认为没必要做某事

Why worry?You can't do anything about it.

Why waste time going to the bank when you can do it all over the Internet?

4.had better 最好...,would rather 宁可...

如,I'd better leave now,or I'll be late.

You'd better not stay up late.

I would rather go out,if you don't mind.

I'll rather not sleep.

5.will you please...? would you please...?句型

Will you please open the window?

Would you please give me a hand?

6.help 可带 to ,也可不带to

如,Help the old lady (to)carry the heavy box.

We helped (to) plant trees last weekend.

cannot...but,do nothing but 只好做某件事,只能做某事,没有其他的办法只能做...

如,We cannot choose but obey.

We can do nothing but ask you for help.我们只得请你帮忙了。

I can do nothing but bless you. 我除了祝福你还能做什么呢?
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