
时间: 08-30 作者:覃子豪 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today,accompanied by the sunshine in early morning we are going to pay a visit to Mount Jiuhua. First allow me to briefly introduce Mount Jiuhua. Mount Jiuhua is located in southwestern Qingyang County Anhui Province. It combines Buddhist culture with beautiful scenery and ancient temples and it is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China.

Mount Jiuhhua has 99 peaks surrounding its summit Shiwang Peak which is 1342 meters high. Mount Jiuhua has a long history of religious culture with Taoism preceding Buddhism. Among the more than eighty temples still standing today Huacheng Ganlu Tiantai and Qiyuan Temples Roushen Hall and Zhantan Froest are the best preserved. The architectural style is distinguished by its free and vivid design mixing Buddhist temples and local residences in the mountain region. There are not only big temples of a grand scale and strict style but also small quiet temples made up of one room and one hall.

Mount Jiuhua is a special place of Buddhist worship where religious rites are held for the worship of Ksitigarbha known in Chinese as Dìzàng (地藏),who is a Bodhisattva and protector of souls in hell in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition.It is recorded that during the Tang Dynasty,Jin Qiaojue,the near clan of the King of Koyro Kingdom,or present day Korea came to China and practiced Buddhism in Mt.Jiuhua until he died at the age of 99 much like the famous Buddhist sage,Ksitigarbha,so he is regarded as the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.Since a grave tower was built to bury him on Shenguang Ridge,it became the place for worshiping Ksitigarbha.The tower is always filled with incense smoke and every year,a temple fair is held lasting 10 days.The fair has been included in nation-wide touring programs and welcomes many domestic and foreign pilgrims.Today,due to limited time,we are just going to visit Jiuhua Street and Tiantai Scenic Area.

Jiuhua Street Scenic Area

Now we are walking on the Jiuhua Street.It is located in a spacious area at the foot of Furong Peak 600 meters,above sea level and surrounded by mountains,which serves as Mount Jiuhua’s reception center.Temples,local residences,and shops are mixed together on Jiuhua street,and monks,nuns,pilgrims,visitors and the local inhabitants wander around here all day.

Qiyuan Temple

What we see now is Qiyuan Temple,which is also called Qiyuan Buddhist Temple. It was

originally built in the Ming Dynasty.The structure of the buildings resembles those of a palace complex;however,unlike the buildings in a palace complex,they are not symmetrically laid out.Indeed,even the gate is slanting to one side.Please look at the aisle in front of the temple; it has a relief sculpture of lotus with the pattern of ancient coins engraved on it,symbolizing the holy trace of Sakyamuni.Entering the gate,you can see two Buddhist warriors on the two sides with frightening facial expressions.In the middle is the statue of Linguan,the judge,with a wide-open eye on his forehead and a long whip in his hand. Linguan was originally a god of Taosim but why did he come into a Buddhist temple? It is said that one day,when Vitasoka,the protector of Ksitigarbha went out to inspect the mountain,a scholar who was a non-believer of Buddhism thrust an iron needle at the leg of Ksitigarbha to see if he was real.Seeing the blood oozing from the leg of Ksitigarbha,the scholar was scared and hurried down the mountain.When Vitasoka came back and was told about it,he chased the scholar in spite of Ksitigarbha’s stopping,and beat the scholar to death with one whip at Wuxi Bridge.Ksitigarbha was rather angry,for the monks should be merciful,so he dismissed Vitasoka and asked Lingguan to take his place.Today,the relics of the scholar’ s tomb at Wuxi Bridge can be the proof for the legend.

Roushen Hall

We are now in the famous Roushen Hall.More than 1.190 years ago,the eminent monk Jin Qiaojue used to chant sutra and sit in meditation On Shenguang Ridge.When he died,he sat in a vat and was placed in Nantai.As the ground shone magically,it was renamed Shenguang (Magic Shine) Ridge.Three years later,the vat was opened.His body was still soft,his face was still lively and his bones sounded clearly when shaken. As the Buddhist sutra showed,he was the reincarnation of Buddha,so he was honored Ksitigarbha and a high hall and a wooden pagoda were built to protect him,which was named Roushen (incarnation) Hall.The structure of a pagoda inside a hall a vat inside the pagoda,and an incarnated body inside the vat is unique.

Tiantai Scenic Area

We’ve arrived at Tiantai Scenic Area. Tiantai Scenic Areas is situated southeast of Mount Jiuhua where most of the high peaks gather. Tiantai Peak is 1325 meters high making it a little lower than Shiwang Peak. But it is always been regarded as the center of the high peaks because of its many scenic sights and ancient temples. Starting from Minyuan to Tiantai you’ll enjoy various magnificent views one by one as you climb higher and higher.

Tiantai Temple

Tiantai Temple now is in our sights. It is also called Wanfo Building and Ksitigarbha Buddhist Temple and has three parts. First you’ll enter the Maitreya Buddha Hall then the hall of the Three Sages in the western world,at last the Grand Hall. Now,please look up,you can see on the wooden ceiling thousands of small Buddhist figurines are lined with various vivid expressions.The temple has no outside yards,but is still spacious and bright,due to its special design.On the rock at the corner of the hall is a big footprint which is paired with one on another peak,the East Cliff.They were the holy prints left by Jin Qiaojue when he took off striding over the two peaks.The big drum was presented in 19XX by the pious Buddhist believers in Kowloon,

Hong Kong.

Well the tour of Mount Jiuhua now comes to an end.I thank you all and wish you a happy journey home!




大家可能都知道,九华山佛教以地藏道场而闻名。据古迹记载,唐代开元年间,古新罗国(今朝鲜半岛)王族近属金乔觉渡海来华,在九华山苦修 于贞元十年(公元764年)夏99岁时圆寂。佛教界以他生前苦行,寂后形迹与经典所载地藏菩萨相合,尊为地藏菩萨应化,在神光岭上建墓安葬,九华山自此被辟为地藏应化道场,香火日盛。这里每年定期举行庙会,一般都要持续10天,已经成为了全国性的旅游项目,为海内外游人香客所欢迎。因为时间的关系,我们主要游览九华街和天台景区。












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