
时间: 05-26 作者:张伊升 栏目:演讲稿

My college life

Good evening everybody! I am honored to participate this final. My name is XXX, and Crystal is my English name. I am from Environmental and Chemical Engineering Department. My major is Environmental Monitoring and Governance Technology. Now let me share my college life with you.

Before I attend college, I knew nothing about my future, and just because of the ardor for environment, I chose the major I study now. But I told myself: College life is an exploring process. Therefore, I stepped the way of exploring future.

In the early campus life, some teachers told us: As a student, your duty is to study. I nodded. However, the other teachers said: College life is colorful, you should enjoy yourself. “My God! What’s up?” In that period, I was very confused.

Later, I did a lot of attempts such as work for the dining room of our school, sold the goods from door to door and played a worker’s roal in a factory on the last summer holiday in Tianjin. Of course,I suffered a variety of setback. But they didn’t shake my determination of exploring future any more.

Now,two years past, the ambiguous future life becomes clear. I realize how to go on my life, though it doesn’t go as my planning way, I know how to adjust myself. College life is an exploring process, and through those, I have found my answer.

So I really thank my college life, and I believe it will be a pretty experience for my life.

Thank you for your attention!

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