
时间: 04-01 作者:李婷婷 栏目:演讲稿

Hello, my name is *** and I want to be a millionaire. And I'd like you to help me by donating to me one dollar. Just $1. Just one dollar to help me make one million.

But you've never even met me so why would you give me a dollar? Well, in return for your dollar and for every dollar donated I'm giving you a chance to win this website for yourself. Once the million dollar mark is reached I'll no longer need this website so it will be given away to one lucky person and they will be the new owners of, hopefully, a million dollar web site.

To donate one dollar just now click on the donate button here.

If you want to donate more than $1 then that's good too. Remember for each dollar donated you have a chance of this site becoming yours, so for $10 you'd have 10 chances of winning. To donate any amount see the donations page.

I'm asking you to donate using the PayPal payment processing web site, you may already be familiar with this. If you have never used paypal before I have some details on pay pal here for you.

Check how I'm doing so far with the totaliser on the right, or take a look at the big totaliser page. To keep up with how it's going please read my blog, it's my first ever blog, where I'll put any new stuff.

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