
时间: 06-15 作者:欧阳民 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿

intelligent car is a computer, such as the latest scientific and technological achievements and modern product of the combination of the auto industry, which "understanding."

usually on autopilot, automatic transmission, and even with the automatic identification of the function of the road. in addition, the car has a range of ancillary facilities should be computerized, and often gives novelty.


smart cars meters, leo the library card even the past 70 years has changed little basically the car industry, will also feel thein...

zhi neng qi che zhi neng car intelligent automobile.intelligent car is a computer, such as the latest scientific and technologicalachievements and modern product of the combination of the auto industry, which "understanding." usually on autopilot, automatic transmission, and ev...

the petroleum is also useful one day, sooner or later must by other energy substitution, the electric car not have the air pollution, the noise quite to be also small, the operation is quite convenient, moreover, the electric c...

fly think of carle cup national university intelligent car contest.


in 2080, cars are going to be different. the car of new type is made from china. the motor is quicker than other cars. the car can be droved 500 kilometers per hour.

computers are going to be inside every car. it is going to control the car. you don’t need to be worried about the red light.

the car is going to go on special tracks above the city. it would be not so crowded and noisy.

there is a special air conditioner in the car. in winter you can be warm there. in summer you can be pleasantly cool.

if you have this car, you will be very fashionable.

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