
时间: 06-13 作者:阳靖婷 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿
篇一:seeing is believing

wearing glasses can be a real day-to-day hassle, not to mention using contact lenses which have to be cleaned, rinsed and disinfected every so often. fortunately, however, for those millions of contact lens users, there's a new product out -- the 1–day acuvue.

these new disposable contact lenses are designed to be convenient and rather inexpensive because the idea is to throw them away after use at the end of each day. what's even better is if you are planning to give them a try for the first time, the manufacturers will give you your first five pairs for free. if you don't think that's possible, why not go down to your local optician and check it out? no one will blame you for doing that. after all, seeing is believing.

篇二:seeing is believing

people usually think that seeing is believing.but in fact it is not completely true.many things are false but you can not judge them by appearance.like the police,they will never deal with cases just by seeing.

so we should know more about these cases in different ways.seeing is just one aspect.in conclusion,we prefer to believe evidence rather than believe appearance.and truth always needs us to look for.

篇三:seeing is believing.

dear mother:

mother's day is coming,yesterday i saw a short film.the film is about caesarean birth.it's very wonderful for me .it reminds me many stories about mother's love.

seeing is believing,when i saw this film,i was feeling you are very brave .without you ,i can't live in the world.

mother's love like water,it's very big.mother's love like fresh air,all over the world.

if time permits,i will love you 10000 years.



篇四: seeing is believing

standard chartered raises funds to restore the sight of more than 56,000 people. our seeing is believing global fundraising campaign has raised $$1,400,000,enough to restore the sight of 56,000 people ,more than the number we employ

the money raised will be administered by sight savers international and other number of vision 2020"the right to sight".

we would like to thank all our employers, cstomers,suppliers and shareholders for generous support.

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