
时间: 05-08 作者:曾涛 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿


first of all, using the stimulants will destroy the athlete both in physical and in mental. taking stimulants can release the energy within a short period of time, using up athletes' energy and making them totally excited, even crazy. after the games, they have to rest for several days to recover. furthermore, the athletes may become addicted to the stimulants. it's kind of drugs that hardly to get rid of.


secondly, taking stimulants violates the spirit of the olympic games. if every athletes take stimulants to get better competition results, there's no point in holding any kind of sports games, because it would be the competition of stimulants rather than the competitive level of athletes.


in short, the athletes should stay away from stimulants and rely on their hardwork to win the gold medalin the sports games.


关于运动员的英语作文三:真正的冠军the real champion(1112字)

as the asian game is going on, we can see so many exciting games these days, there are so many champions coming out every day, we are happy for them, because they are working so hard and they deserve it. but still some champions are checked out to take the drugs, they get the championship with the help of the drugs, it is so shameful of them, they are not the real champions.


to be a champion is not easy, the athletes must be working hard for a long time, most of them spend day and night to get trained, they have to leave their parents for a long time, they can see their parents when the festival comes. to be the champion is such a great honor, the one who gets the championship without the fair competition should be condemned, he does not respect his rivals, it is so shame on him.

