
时间: 05-06 作者:徐军 栏目:话题作文 我要投稿

sports in our school have changed a lot. now we have more than three p.e classes a week . and we have at least one hour to do exercise every day.

students get so excited at these changes. more and more students take an active part in the ball game, running, and jumping on the playground.school life is becoming more wonderful.i love my school life,and i love my school sport.


“ millions of young students nationwide sports sunshine ” launched on april 29, 20xx. the teachers and students in our school were organized to watch the launching ceremony together first , and then we went to the playground to have one-hour sports activities , such as running , doing exercises and playing basketball.

i felt very good after having some sports . i think it is a good way to build up our body strength . sports can also let brains have a rest so that our study will be more effective . to do physical exercises and hour a day will make us happy a whole life , so i will keep on doing it . i hope more and more people will join us in sports activities.

有关锻炼的英语作文三:about physical training(569字)

recently, we have made a survey of the people on physical training. only 35 percent of the people surveyed have taken part in physical activities.

over half of the people say they haven’t got enough time to take exercises. 34.9 percent of them complain they don’t have places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities, while another 12.9 percent of the people feel that they live too far away from the training centers. some of them even don’t know how to train.

for lack of physical training, many people are not in good health. people should realize the importance of it, and measures should be taken to provide people with training facilities.


dear classmates,

i’m li hua ,after the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day ,but not spend too much time. we think exercise builds body and can keep us healthy. sports also let us have a good rest so that our study will be more effective.

we don`t believe that taking exercise is tiring or a waste of time. it can also relax ourselves,make our mind clever and so on.so we should exercise every day.
