
时间: 11-07 作者:廖非非 栏目:演讲稿
our progress in the war on terror has made our country safer, yet it has also brought new burdens to our military families. many servicemen and women have endured long deployments and painful separations from home. families have faced the challenge of raising children while praying for a loved one's safe return. america is grateful to all our military families, and the families mourning a terrible loss this thanksgiving can know that america will honor their sacrifices forever.
as commander-in-chief, i've been honored to thank our troops at bases around the world, and i've been inspired by the efforts of private citizens to express their own gratitude. this month, i met shauna fleming, a 15-year-old from california who coordinated the mailing of a million thank you letters to military personnel. in october, i met ken porwoll, a world war ii veteran who has devoted years of his retirement to volunteering at a va medical center in minneapolis. and we've seen the generosity of so many organizations, like give2thetroops, a group started in a basement by a mother and son that has sent thousands of care packages to troops in the field.
thanksgiving reminds us that america's true strength is the compassion and decency of our people. i thank all those who volunteer this season, and laura and i wish every american a happy and safe thanksgiving weekend.
thank you for listening.


mr. president, mr. speaker, members of the congress of the united states:

the gravity of the situation which confronts the world today necessitates my appearance before a joint session of the congress. the foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. one aspect of the present situation, which i present to you at this time for your consideration and decision, concerns greece and turkey. the united states has received from the greek government an urgent appeal for financial and economic assistance. preliminary reports from the american economic mission now in greece and reports from the american ambassador in greece corroborate the statement of the greek government that assistance is imperative if greece is to survive as a free nation.

i do not believe that the american people and the congress wish to turn a deaf ear to the appeal of the greek government. greece is not a rich country. lack of sufficient natural resources has always forced the greek people to work hard to make both ends meet. since 1940, this industrious, peace loving country has suffered invasion, four years of cruel enemy occupation, and bitter internal strife.

when forces of liberation entered greece they found that the retreating germans had destroyed virtually all the railways, roads, port facilities, communications, and merchant marine. more than a thousand villages had been burned. eighty-five per cent of the children were tubercular. livestock, poultry, and draft animals had almost disappeared. inflation had wiped out practically all savings. as a result of these tragic conditions, a militant minority, exploiting human want and misery, was able to create political chaos which, until now, has made economic recovery impossible.